          韓國駐台代表:希望台灣民眾稱呼韓國或大韓民國 韓國駐台代表:希望台灣民眾稱呼韓國或大韓民國 在台灣,很多人都習慣 酒店工作用「南韓」稱呼大韓民國,但是駐台北的韓國代表部代表具良根在接受央廣記者訪問時說,南韓這個名稱不太好,他希望台灣民眾?網路行銷a>恔磡峎O大韓民國稱呼他們。 They should 房屋貸款kill all USA Media that call them South Korea around the world to make We the Chinese read English to think that was a supposed Titled. And 韓國 people should seodo their righteous duty to tell USA military force stationed in 韓國 to kill anyone who dare use Chinese words "支那" instead of "中國" (Chinese is the most fair and balance nation, 澎湖民宿 therefore, they deserve to be called 中國 ; you just need to see how their official call every nation who can use one word as 國 like "May.國" "Ink.國" "Fart.國"<that man made perfume smelli 酒店兼職ng worse than your own fart>; any nation cannot afford to use one word to be called, just call their complete name up like "日本" "宏都拉斯" "阿根廷" "南非" "越南" to show every nation under the same rule as pe 借貸r your own sounds.)to call China (English can call China instead of 中國, because most likely there's no good English words can pronounce the sound of 中國 correctly, therefore, they use the best goods that every Chinese can afford to have, yet Weste 好房網rn poor must have no way to afford to use at that time as the name of China to show their admiring of that Great Wall Nation.) around the globe, because whoever knows how to read and write Chinese words use Chinese words to call China "支那" instead of 中國, committed mor 澎湖民宿e serious crime than any Japanese killers using airplains to attack their Pearl Harbor or those who using airplains as suicide bombers to bomb New York Twin Towers.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 酒店工作  .

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